Chiropractic Saves Lives

A story shared by our Human Resources Manager, Melissa Angrisanio.

When I started here in June of 2000, I had two little girls; Samantha was 4 and Larissa was 2.  If there was any infection Samantha could get, she would get it.  I mean if you sneezed in Miami she would catch the cold in Tamarac.  She was hospitalized multiple times for IV antibiotics, had rashes, hand/foot/mouth, the list goes on and on.  Then she started chiropractic care and it stopped.  She is 18 and hasn’t had even an ear infection since she started treatment.  Amazing, right? Here is something more amazing.

In August of 2003, my husband and I were blessed with the birth of Nicolas.  While in labor, the nurse mentioned something about how his heart sounded.  The doctor dismissed her and he passed all of his newborn tests.  When he was brought to our room later, we were told that he had a heart murmur and to make sure we didn’t overstimulate him with too many visitors.  We didn’t think that was anything abnormal, so we went about our afternoon enjoying our new addition.  During my pregnancy, I was educated on the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care and the importance of adjustments for newborns and since I delivered at Plantation General, two of the chiropractors that worked in our EP office came over after the office closed to give Nicolas his first adjustment.  He turned bright red and then slowly over the next few hours became “dusky”.  By the evening, he was in NICU attached to every monitor and machine they had.  You see, Nicolas was born with Pulmonary Atresia.  His right ventricle was severely underdeveloped and he did not have a pulmonary valve.  He also had a hole between his atriums and some other more minor heart issues- if you can call any heart issue minor.  The point is THIS ALL WENT UNDETECTED BY EVERY MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL IN THE HOSPITAL.  It was not until he received a chiropractic adjustment that his body began to change color and show there was something going wrong.  If the defect went undetected, he would have died in the first 24 hours of life. CHIROPRACTIC SAVED HIS LIFE!  Additionally, CHIROPRACTIC IMPROVED HIS LIFE.  We were told that even after all of his surgeries, he wouldn’t have more than 75% oxygen saturation and wouldn’t be able to do simple things like playing catch with his dad. But with his weekly chiropractic adjustments, he has maintained 100% saturation and has even played several seasons of little league!

Nicolas and Dr. Rassoul

                 Nicolas and Dr. Rassoul

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